Professional Services
We have trained personnel to provide solutions and services in the agricultural and livestock sectors according to your needs.
Technical advice in the agricultural and livestock area.
Preparation of agricultural production plan and estimation of yields
Monitoring and diagnosis of vegetable crops, coffee, basic grains, and tubers.
Training for strengthening agricultural issues, agroecology, adaptation, and mitigation to climate change
Installation and training for irrigation systems.
Farm survey and mapping.
Consultancies for private companies, state institutions, and NGOs.

We provide comprehensive accounting, tax, financial and payroll services; becoming a generator of solutions that enhance the performance of your company, such as:
Annual and monthly accounting preparation, to comply with the presentation of the Financial Statements.
Monthly tax declarations before the DGI (the Nicaraguan tax authority).
Annual tax returns
audit services
Review of processes and accounting and tax information.

We are a comprehensive administrative services solution based on processes, effectiveness and customer service. With Passion, Integrity and Teamwork
We carry out diagnoses (organizational analysis, level of work performance, management of human talent)
Training and workshops, in all administrative and marketing issues.
Feasibility studies and market studies
Systematizations, consultancies and evaluations
Human resources consulting services

Social and Private Infrastructure
We provide service to private and public companies, optimizing resources and time. Success in this field has been the result of our team of professionals, as well as the skilled workforce.
Technical studies.
Designs and budgets.
Supervision and execution of vertical and horizontal constructions.
Water and sanitation systems.
Topographic survey.
Advice, consulting and training.

Social Services.
Social advice is essential for the sustainability of any company or project because it guarantees that the initiative is built from the reality in which it is implemented.
Characterization and social diagnosis
Analysis of organizational processes
Organization and legalization of cooperatives.
Organizational and educational support in different organizations
Accompaniment and/or facilitation of participatory processes