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About us?

MULTIPRO RL promotes social development through the provision of professional services to public and private organizations through the management of programs and projects for vulnerable groups, establishing alliances with social sectors. 


It was born in 2013, when a group of young professionals inspired by associative models, which are developing booming in Nicaragua, decided to organize themselves into a cooperative. 


He has advised the formation of agricultural cooperatives, in addition to developing business plans, strategic plans, accounting, structural, IT and productive assistance for public and private partners.

It has professional and expert staff in different disciplines who are constantly trained to improve the quality of their services. 


Actualmente ejecuta   el proyecto desarrollo de   cooperativas de  _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_viviendas en   the department of Matagalpa, providing technical assistance for the organization and legalization of 6 cooperative groups, promoting access to political advocacy for access to land urbanized, state financing and legal frameworks that focus on benefiting the popular classes.

Mision y vision


We are enterprising professionals, who provide quality services with innovative solutions, in order to improve the productivity of their clients in Nicaragua.


To be a prestigious, well-positioned, competitive, consolidated company, with a broad portfolio of professional services, economic initiatives and establishing alliances.


General objective

Specific objectives

Promote social development through the provision of professional services to public and private organizations through the management of programs and projects for vulnerable groups, establishing alliances with social sectors.


  1. Provide technical assistance, advice and consultancies to strengthen the operation of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), cooperatives, associations and institutions with a multidisciplinary vision.

  2.  Ensuring the sustainability of the cooperative and its associates through the offer and development of professional services.

  3. Manage programs and projects with a rights approach aimed at excluded social sectors.

  4. Promote collaboration between cooperatives to complement knowledge, experiences and socio-economic initiatives.


Our values are those of international cooperativism, to practice it with all allied organizations, we live Mutual Aid as a factor of mutual development, Democracy, internal and we promote it because governance is essential for organizational development._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Equality is fundamental inside and out, as an element beyond money and positions, this leads us to distribute resources equitably, those who need more help should be given, those who can support with more financial resources must do so, which is why we believe in Solidarity, regardless of economic and social locations, we work to earn trust by practicing Honesty and   Transparency, characteristics that have made us grow.

Nuestro Equpo

Our team

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Rene Ruiz

Msc. in Accounting and Auditing

University professor, expert in Business Finance and Advice on Cooperativism.


Ana María Osegueda 

Msc. in Business Management.

University professor, expert in Cooperative Development and Cooperation for Development. Advisor on Urban and Rural Economic Initiatives.


Indira Donaire 

Bachelor of Business Administration

Expert in Human Talent Management and Organizational Development.

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Ana María Osegueda 

Msc. in Business Management.

University professor, expert in Cooperative Development and Cooperation for Development. Advisor on Urban and Rural Economic Initiatives.


Reynaldo Castro 


Expert in Coffee Production and Distribution, 10 years of Experience in Agroecology. 


Indira Donaire 

Bachelor of Business Administration

Expert in Human Talent Management and Organizational Development.


Ana María Osegueda 

Msc. in Business Management.

University professor, expert in Cooperative Development and Cooperation for Development. Advisor on Urban and Rural Economic Initiatives.

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Rene Ruiz

Msc. in Accounting and Auditing

University professor, expert in Business Finance and Advice on Cooperativism.


Reynaldo Castro 


Expert in Coffee Production and Distribution, 10 years of Experience in Agroecology. 

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Indira Donaire 

Bachelor of Business Administration

Expert in Human Talent Management and Organizational Development.


Rene Ruiz

Msc. in Accounting and Auditing

University professor, expert in Business Finance and Advice on Cooperativism.

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